Defending Afro-Indigenous Land: Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras Wins 2015 U.S. Food Sovereignty Prize

Below are excerpts from an interview with Miriam Miranda, coordinator of OFRANEH. OFRANEH works with the 46 Afro-indigenous Garífuna communities of the nation to defend their lands, agriculture, fishing, other riches of

Alfredo’s Story: Human Rights Defender Despite Imprisonment

“In the end we succeeded. But it cost us six years in jail, and five of my colleagues were assassinated. However we are still here, working, and pushing forward,” said

A Different Way to Fight Hunger: Agroecology and the Food Sovereignty Prize

There is a certain mindset which says that science and technology have all the answers, swooping in from above to solve every agricultural problem that is preventing us from feeding

A Tale of Two Food Prizes

What’s in a prize? The politics of distribution versus growth. On October 14, in Des Moines, Iowa, the Food Sovereignty Prize will be awarded to the Federation of Southern Cooperatives,

Grassroots Struggle for Food Sovereignty and the Liberation of Black Cultures

Two organizations have been selected to receive the 7th annual Food Sovereignty Prize this year in an event that will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 14, in Des Moines, Iowa. On the heels of a

Radio Without Borders

Guest: Beverly Bell Title:  US Food Sovereignty Alliance member Topics: Announcement of the Food Soveignty Prize winners 1) Federation of Southern Cooperatives (US) 2) The Black Fraternal Oeganization of Honduras (OFRANEH) Guest: Ben

Fighting Racism From the USDA, Black Farmers Gain Power Through Co-ops

The 2015 US Food Sovereignty Prize will be awarded on October 14 in Des Moines, Iowa. This year, one of the two winners is the Federation of Southern Cooperatives, a

Black Farmers’ Lives Matter: The significant contributions of Black Farmers in America

The 2015 Food Sovereignty Prize will be shared by the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund (Federation) and the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras. The prize will be presented in Des Moines on October 14,

The Wall Street Journal: Honors in the Fight Against Hunger

In a city known for fine dining, New Yorkers gathered on Wednesday night to honor grass-roots organizations helping the less fortunate find their next meal. For the first time in

The True Deservers of a Food Prize

If Secretary of State John Kerry’s G.M.O.-boosting speech announcing the World Food Prize at the State Department last week is any indication of his ability to parse complicated issues, he might be